Ntau tus neeg muas zaubtej zaum yuav tsis muaj tswv yim xaiv li castus qauv zoothaum lawvmuas bar code scanner phom. Whether nws yog qhov zoo dua los xaiv1D lossis 2D? Thiab ua li cas wiredthiab wireless scanner? Niaj hnub no cia peb txheeb xyuas qhov sib txawv ntawm 1D thiab 2D scanners, thiab pom zoo rau koj qee qhov muag zoo ntawm cov khoom siv scanner hauv khw.
1.Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm 1D thiab 2D scanners?
Stxhais hais tias,1D barcode scanner tuaj yeem luam theej duab 1D barcode, 2D barcode scanner tuaj yeem luam theej duabob leeg1D thiab 2D barcode. Thiab hais txog tus nqi, 1D barcode scanner tus nqi yuav pheej yig dua 2D barcode scanner.
Los ntawm 1D tshuab luam ntawvscan tsis tau2D barcodes, puas yog qhov no txhais tau tias2D scanneryuav zoo dua1D scanner? Of course no,1D scanner muaj txiaj ntsig raunyeemhauvib tug kuj ntev barcode, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog zoo li ntev bar codes ntawm logistic parcels. Thaum 2D scanner yog CMOS nyeem ntawv, uas dhau losdaim duab coj los txheeb xyuas qhov bar code,yog li nws lub peev xwm decoding tsis zoo li 1D scanner.
2. Hom 1D Codes
Muaj ntau hom1D barcodes, thiab muaj ntau tshaj nees nkaum hom code systems, raws li hauv qab no.
Code39 (Standard 39 code), Codabar code (Cudebar code), Standard 25 code (Standard 25 code), Matrix25 code (Matrix 25 code), UPC-A code, UPC-E code, ITF25 code (Cross 25 code), EAN -13 code (EAN-13 thoob ntiaj teb cov khoom lag luam barcode), EAN-8 code (EAN-8 thoob ntiaj teb cov khoom lag luam barcode), Code 11 code, Code 93 code, ISBN code, Tuam Tshoj Post code (a variant ntawm Matrix 25 code), MSI code , ISSN code, Code128 code (Code128 code, suav nrog EAN128 code), Code39 EMS (EMS tshwj xeeb 39 code).

3. Hom 2D Codes
Lub koom haum International Association of Automatic Identification Manufacturers (AIM) thiab American Standardization Association (ANSI) tau ua tiav cov qauv cim rau 2D code systems xws li PDF417, QR Code, Code 49, Code 16K thiab Code One.
Tuam Tshoj txoj kev tshawb fawb ntawm2Dcodetechnology pib nyob rau hauv 1993.We tau tsim peb tus kheej 2D code hauv teb chaws tus qauv: 2D code grid matrix code (SJ / T 11349-2006) thiab 2D code compact matrix code (SJ / T 11350-2006).
Feem ntau, cov2DCode peb feem ntau siv feem ntau yog hais txog QR Code,xws liQR Code hom rau Alipay, WeChat them, daim pib tsheb ciav hlau, thiab lwm yam.

4.Dab tsi yog kev faib tawm ntawm wireless scanning?
Wireless scanningtuaj yeem muab faib uapeb hom:Bluetoothwireless, 2,4gwireless, 433 MHZwireless.Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm peb hom wireless no yog raws li hauv qab no.
Bluetooth kis nrug deb (hauv qhov qhib): 5~15 meters, computer thiab xov tooj ntawm tes/pad/tabletNrog Bluetooth tuaj yeem siv tau.
2.4G kis tau tus mob nrug (hauv qhov qhib):50 meters ~ 100 meters, koj xav tau ib tug sab nraudUSBreceiver ntawm lub computer.
433MHZ kis tau tus mob nrug (hauv qhov qhib): 200 meters, tab sisqeelub teb chaws muaj kev tswj hwm xov tooj cuauas tsis yogtso cai siv 433MHZ.
Feem ntau hais lus, yog tias cov peev nyiaj txaus, nws raug nquahu kom muab qhov tseem ceeb rau cov phom scanner wireless. Wireless scanners tsis yog khi los ntawm wired, nws's yooj yim dua thiab siv sai dua.
5.Wireless barcode scanner khoom pom zoo
MJ 2880,2D bluetooth wireless barcode scanner
--Txhawb 1D thiab 2D bar codes, thiab txhawb kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes
--Cov roj teeb loj muaj peev xwm 2000mah, tuaj yeem siv tau 8 teev tas li yam tsis tau them nqi.
--Dual siv ua wired thiab wireless scanner
--Nruam hom, Phau ntawv hom, nws pib paub hom xaiv xaiv
--Instant upload hom thiab cov khoom muag hom xaiv yeem
MJ 2870,2D 2.4G wireless bar code scanner nrog puag
--Txhawb 1D thiab 2D bar codes, thiab txhawb kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes
--Cov roj teeb loj muaj peev xwm 2000mah, tuaj yeem siv tau 8 teev tas li yam tsis tau them nqi.
--Txoj kev sib txuas thiab them nyiaj yog yooj yim dua
--Nruam hom, Phau ntawv hom, nws pib paub hom xaiv xaiv
--Instant upload hom thiab cov khoom muag hom xaiv yeem
--Long kev twb kev txuas mus txog 50-100 meters
6.Wired barcode scanner khoom pom zoo
Qhov kom zoo dua rau wired scanner yog plug-and-play, tsis tas yuav ua khub lossis nruab tsav tsheb. Tsis tas li ntawd, wired scanner yog tus nqi ntau dua.
Rau cov khw muag khoom dav davthiab supermarket khw, handheld 2D bar code scanner yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo. Vim tias nws raug nqi tsawg, scans ob qho khoom lag luam barcodes thiab xov tooj ntawm tescov lej, it yog rugged thiabpoob siab tsis kam, tuaj yeem sawv ntog los ntawm 2 meters qhov siab mus rau pob zeb.
Hauv cov khw loj loj, cov khw muag khoom noj khoom haus thiab lwm lub khw muag khoom nrog cov tsheb khiav ceev, qhov twg yuav tsum tau ceev scanning ceev, siab raug, yooj yim siv,desktop bar code scanner platformyog qhov kev xaiv zoo. Lub desktop scanner platform me me uas yuav tsis siv ntau qhov chaw. Vim tias nws tuaj yeem tso rau ntawm lub desktop, koj tuaj yeem tso koj txhais tes, thiab nws's kev ua haujlwm-txuag. Tsis siv neeg scanning thiab scanning qhov rais loj, pab kom nkag siab thiab nyeem cov barcode sai, thiaj li ua kom cov kev ua tau zoo thiab txhim kho cov neeg siv khoom txaus siab.
Yog tias koj muaj kev txaus siab lossis lus nug thaum xaiv lossis siv ib qho bar code scanner, txais tostiv tauj peb! MINJCODEtau cog lus rau kev tshawb fawb thiab kev txhim kho ntawm bar codetshuab luam ntawvtechnology thiab kev siv cov cuab yeej siv,peb lub tuam txhab muaj 14 xyoo ntawm kev lag luam kev lag luam hauv kev lag luam, thiab tau txais kev lees paub los ntawm feem coob ntawm cov neeg siv khoom!
Yog tias koj nyob hauv kev lag luam, koj tuaj yeem nyiam
Xav nyeem
Post lub sij hawm: Mar-16-2023